CCB Directory


St. John’s Women provide opportunities for finding lasting friendship, encouragement, Bible study and fun. We have the traditional WELCA “circles” as well as several other gatherings each month. We also include crafting small groups as part of our friendship/discipleship ministry. The knitting/crocheting and quilting women meet regularly, one to two times each month.

We also offer occasional Bible Studies. Currently, Spotlight Bible Study is looking at Jesus’ mission and ministry in the book of Mark. Lesson handouts, facilitator documents, and schedule can be found in the links below.

A Christmas Carol

A six week study of the nativity stories in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. We will take an in-depth look at the history and culture of the Roman Empire into which Jesus was born. We meet at the Zdenek’s home every Thursday at 9 AM – 10:15 AM. For information:

The class dates are as follows:

October 24, 31
November 7, 14, 21,
December 5

A Christmas Carol Lesson 1  Octavian

Jesus Sees Women

A six week study of Jesus’ encounters with women in the Gospels, written by missionaries, Cynthia Holder Rich and Mark Rich.

Our studies will take place at 9:00am Thursdays at Zdenek’s home. Zoom is available, as well, by contacting for the link.

September 5, 12, 26

October 3, 10, 17

The study is copyrighted, and can only be shared with those in class, and not uploaded to the website, however, we will use additional materials, accessible below.

Handout JSW Lesson 1

Handout JSW Lesson 2 Honor&Shame

Handout JSW Lesson 3 J.DavisSermonNot

Handout JSW Lesson 4 Five Husbands

Handout JSW Lesson 5

Handout JSW Lesson 6 Insert Lesson 6 Web Study Review WEB

Circles & Small Group GATHERINGS

For questions about upcoming monthly gatherings contact
  • Wellspring

    Wellspring is our newest circle, catering to those in the Gen-X generation.

    Wellspring meets the first Tuesday of the month, from 6:30-8:00, in St. John’s Fireside Room.

    To connect with Wellspring chairperson, contact Jenny Carlson

  • Boomers

    Our gatherings are for women of the Baby Boomer age. We meet to make lasting friendships. We use Women of the ELCA’s “Gather” magazine for discussion, which generally centers around our lives as the “Sandwich Generation” – looking at life & health changes while caring for aging parents and adult children. The Boomer Gatherings are on the 1st Saturday of the month from 4:30-6:00pm at various venues.

    Contact: Alison Kavanaugh

  • Women's Breakfast Group (WBG)

    The Breakfast Group provides as our title says, “breakfast” and topical discussion. We use Women of the ELCA’s “Gather” magazine for study and discussion. Gatherings are on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00am in the St. John’s Library.

    Contact: Jane Rinehart for more information.

  • Circles

    St. John’s currently hosts three traditional Women of the ELCA circles. Women meet each month for fellowship and Bible study. We use Women of the ELCA’s “Gather” magazine for study and discussion.  All contacts can be made through

    • Elizabeth Circle 2nd Thursday, 1:30pm at St. John’s Library.
    • Lydia & Paul Circle (women & men) 2nd Wednesday, 9:o0am St. John’s Library.
    • Mary Circle 2nd Friday, 1:00pm St. John’s Fireside Room.
  • Knitters & Crocheters

    World Vision: Knit for Kids Knit for Kids meets on the 1st  and 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00 am, September to May, to make simple baby sweaters and hats for children. Clothing is distributed by World Vision. Meets at Kathy Vang’s home.

    Contact: Kathy Vang

    World Vision/Knit for Kids

    Prayer Shawls & Baptism Blankets Knitting prayer shawls and baby baptism:

    • 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 10:00am in the church library. Contact: Sue Sharrow
    • Night Knitters – 1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:00pm in the church library. Contact Jill Enestvedt

  • Quilters

    St. John’s Quilters

    St. John’s Quilting women (and men!) are busy finishing dozens of quilts every quarter, and sending them around the world through Lutheran World Relief.

    They meet to tie and finish quilts every Thursday morning from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Fellowship Hall.  Enter the church at door 10 on the corner of Poplar and third street.

    You can be part of this world wide, world-changing ministry, and you don’t have to know how to sew! You can also work from home, cutting squares, laundering and ironing fabric. If you like to sew, quilt kits are available (in a basket the Commons at St. John’s) to be taken home and sewn together by volunteers.  Each kit has squares to make a complete quilt top.

    Quilt Shopping List:

    Light-weight curtains of cotton fabric (no fiberglass)

    Yard goods:  Cotton, cotton blends, twill. We no longer accept corduroy, knits, fleece, or clothing.

    Light-weight blankets, no wool.

    Sheets and pillow cases of any size or color are accepted. They can be percale, cotton, or flannel. White sheets are donated to Global Health Ministries for hospital beds and linens.


    Donations can be brought to the church on Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Please bring them to the Fellowship Hall, entering through door 10 at the corner of Poplar and 3rd Streets.


Literary structure (chiasm) of Gospel of Mark

Handout 2024 Lesson 1

Handout 2024 Lesson 2    Chiasm Mark 1:14-3:6    Lesson 2 discipleship

Handout 2024 Lesson 3

Handout 2024 Lesson 4

Handout 2024 Lesson 5   LESSON 5 Chart

Handout 2024 Lesson 6   Good Eye-Bad Eye   Matthew 6 Repent

Handout 2024 Lesson 7   Lesson 7 PIGS & PEARLS

Handout 2024 Lesson 8  Hearing vs Doing  Lesson 8 Greek nuggets

Handout 2024 Lesson 9

Handout 2024 Lesson 10 BE NOT AFRAID (chart)

Handout 2024 Lesson 11

Handout 2024 Lesson 12

Handout 2024 Lesson 13  Decapolis Map Lesson 13 Notes

Handout 2024 Lesson 14 Shekinah glory Mark 9 Notes Lesson 14

Handout 2024 Lesson 15

Handout 2024 Lesson 16 Lesson 16 Supplement

Handout 2024 Lesson 17 Lesson 17 Commentary

Handout 2024 Lesson 18

Handout 2024 Lesson 19  Herod’s Temple

Handout 2024 Lesson 20  Redemption & Afikomen

Handout 2024 Lesson 21    Jesus As A Threat

Handout 2024 Lesson 22

Handout 2024 Lesson 23 Harrowing of Hell Tomb Timeline

Kingdom and Kingdoms Nuggets & Musings

World Systems    Kingdom Scriptures    Kingdom of Heaven is like (1)    Kingdom of Heaven is like (2)