CCB Directory
St. John's Hall Coffee St. John's Hall Coffee

Care and Support

As a caring Christian community, St. John’s Lutheran Church  offers care and support to you or family members. Listed below are types of support that are available when you encounter difficult times or the normal stresses of life.

Pastoral Support

  • Pastoral Visits:  Pastoral visits are an important part of the ministry of our pastors, Pam Fickenscher and Jonathan Davis. If a family member, a St. John’s friend, or you would like a pastoral visit, you can reach the pastors at 507-645-4429.
  • Hospitalization: If you or a family member is hospitalized, our pastors want to know! Since hospitals do not share this information, call and share this information with our pastors at 507-645-4429.
  • Emergency Contact: To reach once of the pastors after normal office hours, call 507-645-4429. The “on call pastor” voicemail at church will always let you know the number of an available pastor.


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry helps our pastors by providing caring ministry for people experiencing difficult times such as the death of a loved one, illness, divorce or other challenging situations. Through one-to-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love, support and care they need.

For more information or to request a Stephen Minister call the pastors at 507-645-4429.

Grief Support

  • Northfield Grief Coalition provides grief and loss support groups, programs, and resources for the Northfield community.  For more information, contact the Northfield Grief Coalition.
  • Journeying through Grief  booklets are available for St. John’s members and their families and friends who are grieving the loss of loved ones. To request a book, call the church office at 507-645-4429.
  • St. John’s columbarium allows members to worship close to their loved ones who have been laid to rest.


  • Prayer Chain requests are welcome for any concern or thanksgiving. Requests are kept confidential and not included in Sunday morning prayers unless specifically requested. For prayer requests, contact Mary Cisar at 507-663-1097 or
  • Prayers for healing and blessing are offered during communion the last Sunday of each month.
  • To be included in the Sunday morning prayers and the Sunday bulletin prayer list, call the church office at 507-645-4429.

Called to Care

Called to Care reaches out to individuals and families within our congregation who are in the midst of a health crisis. For information, contact Pat Fick at 507-645-8331 or