Summer Suppers

On certain summer nights, we scatter into the homes of those who are ready to welcome friends and strangers over for dinner. You might find yourself on a front porch exchanging stories, or seated around a fire, roasting marshmallows; you might connect with old friends, or get to know someone new. God promises to meet us in the face of the other, the face of the stranger – this is an opportunity to do just that.
Join us for the next Summer Supper on August 23rd. If you would like to participate or host, please contact Pastor Jonathan.
PuB Theology

We meet on Mondays at Froggy Bottoms, from 6pm-7:30pm. Each week a different subject will be selected and announced ahead of time. If you would like to be added to the email list, please contact Pastor Jonathan.
What is Pub Theology? It is a conversation around faith, God, Jesus, the Bible, current events, and culture. No fancy theological or biblical knowledge are needed in order to participate. Just bring your questions, thoughts, and experiences. All are welcome!
Manna & Mercy

Every Monday, we gather from 12pm-1pm to watch a short Manna & Mercy video. Based on Daniel Erlander’s book Manna and Mercy, Pastor Alan Storey has created over 40 short video clips that give new insight and deeper meaning into how to read Scripture, think about a particular Bible story, or how to think about God. They feel like a video devotional of sorts. You can learn more about them here.
The videos lead to rich conversation about what affirms and challenges our faith. More often than not, we come with answers and we leave with questions. Yet, through group discussion and our mutual care for anyone who shows up, we are growing in faith together.