CCB Directory


Mental Health First Aid Training
Come learn about signs, symptoms, and how to respond to others with mental health concerns! Mental Health First Aid has information and skills that everyone in our community should know about. We all need to be prepared to listen and to be aware of the resources available to help our neighbors. Come learn from an experienced instructor! Click here to register.
American Red Cross Blood Drive – September 27
Click here to schedule an appointment to donate blood or call 1-800-733-2767.
August/September Edition of The Voice is Now Available
The Voice is our monthly newsletter that keeps readers near and far updated on fellowship and the vibrant congregational life at St. John's. Click here to view the August / September Voice.
Life in the Time of COVID Stories
Realizing that we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19, the Faith & Health Board extends an invitation through the summer and fall for additional “Life” stories from persons of all ages. Stories can run from a single paragraph to several pages. We welcome both single episodes or longer narratives for posting on the St. John’s website. Click here for more information and to view the stories that have already been submitted.
June/July 2022 Edition of The Voice is Now Available
The Voice is our monthly newsletter that keeps readers near and far updated on fellowship and the vibrant congregational life at St. John’s. Click here to view the June / July 2022 edition of The Voice
Mental Health First Aid Course Offered at St. John’s
Come learn about signs, symptoms, and how to respond to others with mental health concerns! Click here for more information and to register.
A New Picture Directory for St. John’s is in the Works!
We are producing a new pictorial directory! Click here for more information.
April/May 2022 Edition of the Voice is Now Available
The Voice is our monthly newsletter that keeps readers near and far updated on fellowship and the vibrant congregational life at St. John's. Click here to view the April / May 2022 edition of The Voice
Life in the Time of COVID. Tell us your story…
The New York Times calls COVID-19 “the greatest health catastrophe in a century.”  In our community, the first infections began in mid-March 2020, and the pandemic remains an ongoing public health crisis. In one way or another, we still feel its impact on our lives. The Faith & Health Board invites St. John’s members of all ages to reflect on living in the time of COVID. What have you experienced and felt? What have you lost or gained? How are you coping? How has the pandemic affected work, family, and church? Do you see a hopeful future? Click here for more information.
Lenten Bible Study
Using all four Gospels, Crossroad is a journey with Jesus through his final weeks leading up to his crucifixion. We’ll walk this road together, sharing our questions, wondering, and insights. There are six sessions, beginning March 9, and ending in Holy Week. Booklets are available in the Commons. Choose to participate at Noon or at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, or at 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Click here for the Zoom links.