CCB Directory


2021 Annual Report
Click here for the 2021 Annual Report.
Poinsettia Orders for 2021 Now Available
The Chancel Guild will be taking orders for poinsettias again this year. The flowers will be used to decorate the church for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. If you would like to order a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone or in celebration of Christmas, click here for the order form. The last day to have your order form in is Sunday, December 12.
Winter 2021/2022 Edition of the Voice is Now Available
The Voice is our monthly newsletter that keeps readers near and far updated on fellowship and the vibrant congregational life at St. John's.
Habitat for Humanity ELCA Weekend 2021
Nine congregations gathered for God's Work, Our Hands ELCA weekend on the Faith Build. Thanks to all who were on the site and fed the crew! Click here to view the video.
Meals on Wheels
St. John’s is committed to delivering Meals on Wheels from Sunday, September 12, through Saturday, October 8. Once again for everyone’s safety, delivery is contactless. Click here to sign-up. Thank you for being a part of this important service to Northfield.
Newsletter for September 2021
Click here to view the September newsletter.
All Creation Sings Orders
In 2020, Augsburg Fortress released a new hymnal titled All Creation Sings as a supplement to our current hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship. You've experienced many of these new hymns in worship over the past year and now it's your chance to help us buy the books for the Sanctuary. Books can be dedicated in memory or in honor of a loved one. Each book is $15 and you can pick up an order form in the Commons or print one from our website.
Race Matters in Healthcare
Dr. Rod Christensen will be presenting Race Matters in Health Care: Why Do Black Americans Have Poorer Health Outcomes? This talk will be on Tuesday, June 8, from 9:30-10:30 am via Zoom. This is a repeat presentation of his WELCA talk in February and is being co-sponsored by the First United Church of Christ, ARCL of Bethel Lutheran Church ARLA, and St. John’s Lutheran Church WELCA. You can register for this session at:
Outdoor Coffee and Communion
St. John's invites you to participate in an outdoor gathering of "Coffee and Communion", hosted by the Adult Ministry & Education Board on Wednesdays June 2, 16, and 30 at 2:00 p.m. These gatherings will be held under the canopy in front of the Commons doors since it is a spacious patio and provides cover in case of rain. Chairs will be provided. Bring your own coffee or beverage. Masks are optional since this event is outdoors. After visiting, Pastor Pam or Pastor Jonathan will lead prayer and communion. Click here to RSVP.
PreK Sunday school for May 2nd, 2021