CCB Directory


Race Matters in Healthcare
Dr. Rod Christensen will be presenting Race Matters in Health Care: Why Do Black Americans Have Poorer Health Outcomes? This talk will be on Tuesday, June 8, from 9:30-10:30 am via Zoom. This is a repeat presentation of his WELCA talk in February and is being co-sponsored by the First United Church of Christ, ARCL of Bethel Lutheran Church ARLA, and St. John’s Lutheran Church WELCA. You can register for this session at:
Outdoor Coffee and Communion
St. John's invites you to participate in an outdoor gathering of "Coffee and Communion", hosted by the Adult Ministry & Education Board on Wednesdays June 2, 16, and 30 at 2:00 p.m. These gatherings will be held under the canopy in front of the Commons doors since it is a spacious patio and provides cover in case of rain. Chairs will be provided. Bring your own coffee or beverage. Masks are optional since this event is outdoors. After visiting, Pastor Pam or Pastor Jonathan will lead prayer and communion. Click here to RSVP.
PreK Sunday school for May 2nd, 2021
PreK Sunday school for April 25th, 2021
Courageous Conversations: Recordings of Previous Programs
Click here to view recordings of previous Courageous Conversations programs.
Courageous Conversations: And Still We Rise Against Anti-Asian/AAPI Hate
Join us on Thursday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m. (via Zoom) for Courageous Conversations with  Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, St. Olaf Associate English Professor and Director of Race and Ethnic Studies. Registration Required.
PreK Sunday school for April 18th, 2021
PreK Sunday school for April 11th 2021
PreK Sunday school for March 28th, 2021
American Red Cross Blood Drive – Monday, May 10
We will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter St. John’s Northfield to schedule an appointment.