CCB Directory

Sustaining Grace Capital Campaign

We are excited about the Sustaining Grace capital campaign – it will have a lasting impact for our congregation, our facilities, our greater community, and the environment.

Your gifts will touch every aspect of our mission. Enhancements to our facilities, from Sunday school rooms to our parking lot will make them both safer and more welcoming.

In addition, upgrades to our energy use and generation will result in meaningful reductions to our carbon footprint and ensure we are being good stewards of God’s creation.

Giving to Sustaining Grace

The campaign goal is to raise $750,000. On the image on the right, each of the leaves represents $25,000 in gifts. We’re close to reaching our goal!

Ready to give?

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Giving Back

Finally, in grateful response to the generosity bestowed upon us, we have designated significant funds to extend benevolence to Northfield and the world. The $750,000 Sustaining Grace campaign will allow us to continue our heritage of generosity to the community by committing up to 10% of funds to community outreach projects that have been selected through a grant process. Initially, we will be giving gifts to Ruth’s House of Hopethe Healthy Community InitiativeLaura Baker Services Association, and Rice County Habitat for Humanity.

We look forward to engaging with congregational members, friends of St. John’s, and our neighbors in the years ahead. Thank you in advance for your support.